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中国故事(双语)26:Eight Immortals Cross the Sea 八仙过海

Happy birthday, Queen Mother of the West! It is the third day of the third month of the moon, plus 6,000 years. Finally, the peaches ofimmortalityare ripe. Eat one and live to enjoy many more of the Queen Mother’s birthdays every 6,000 years! Immortalsand gods from all across the land gather at the Queen Mother’s palace. They each arrive on speedy clouds. They are here to celebrate her. And celebrate they do! Theyfeaston delicious food—even better than mother’s cooking! They drink a lot of wine. And, of course, they eat peaches. And eat them. And eat a few more. As the party comes to an end late at night, the guests begin to leave the palace. There is one group inparticularthat is especiallyunruly. They are the eight immortals. They might have had a little too much of the wine. Theyburpa little too loudly. The Queen Mothershoosthem out the door. She’s glad to have some peace and quiet. Thank goodness this party only happens every 6,000 years! Outside, the eight immortals begin their journey home. Soon, they reach the East Sea. Their home is on the other side of the East Sea.Normally, they speed across the sky on clouds. But tonight is not a normal night. Tonight, they’re going to have some fun. “Hey!” yells Lü Dongbin to the other seven. “Let’s use our special powers to cross the ocean!” The others nod and laugh and cheer. “You go first!” says Han Xiangzi, the youngest of the eight. “Watch and learn!” replies Lü Dongbin. He pulls out hisswordand drops it into the sea. When the sword hits the water, it changes before their eyes. It becomes a boat! He rows across the waves. Han Xiangzi goes next. He throws down his basket of flowers. The basket grows and grows and grows, until he is able to stand in it. Hebobsgently over the waves. Next, He Xian’gu, the beautiful woman, and Cao Guojiu, the white-nosed man, stand on the beach. He Xian’gutossesher magicallotuson the water and watches itexpand. Then she steps onto the flower and crosses the sea. Cao Guojiu throws down hisjade tablet. Hehopsaboard and surfs out to sea. The fifth immortal is red-faced andchubby. His name is Han Zhongli. He always has a fan in his hand. He drops it in the water, making a raft. Then it’s Lan Caihe’s turn. He throws down his cymbals. He sings a sailor’s song as he travels across the waves. The next immortal is Zhang Guolao. He likes to joke around, stroking his whitebeardas he laughs. He takes out a little paper donkey that he keeps hidden in hisrobes. It turns into a real donkey! He gets on the donkey’s back and rides into the water. Last is Tieguai Li, the leader of the Eight Immortals. He doesn’t really look like an immortal. He has the body of afrailold beggar. He throws his ironcrutchinto the waves. The moment the crutch touches the water, ittransformsinto a dragon! The dragon flies over the waves, carrying Tieguai Li on its back. The friends’ laughter and song flow across the waves. From underwater, the Dragon King and his shrimp soldiers hear thecommotion. Theysurfaceand watch theparadeof immortals, cheering the Eight Immortals’distinctivestyles. “Jiayo!”


生日快乐,西王母娘娘!这是月亮第三个月的第三天,再加上6000年。最后,长生不老的桃子成熟了。每6000年吃一次,活下来享受更多的王母娘娘生日! 来自全国各地的神仙聚集在王母娘宫。他们每个人都乘着乌云飞来。他们是来庆祝她的。庆祝他们所做的!他们享用美味的食物,甚至比妈妈做的还要好吃!他们喝很多酒。当然,他们也吃桃子。然后吃掉它们。再多吃一些。 晚会在深夜结束时,客人们开始离开宫殿。特别是有一个群体特别不守规矩。他们是八仙。他们可能喝得太多了。他们打嗝的声音有点太大了。王母娘娘把他们赶出门。她很高兴能有点平静。谢天谢地,这个聚会每6000年才举行一次! 外面,八仙开始了回家的旅程。很快,他们到达了东海。他们的家在东海的另一边。通常,它们在云层上飞过天空。但今晚不是一个正常的夜晚。今晚,他们会玩得很开心。 “嘿!”吕洞宾对另外七个人喊道。“让我们用我们的特殊力量穿越海洋!” 其他人点头、大笑、欢呼。“你先走!”八个人中最小的韩祥子说。 吕洞宾回答说:“看,学!”。他拔出剑,把它扔进海里。当剑碰到水时,它在他们眼前发生了变化。它变成了一条船!他划船横渡海浪。 接下来是韩祥子。他扔下他的花篮。篮子长了又长,直到他能站在里面。他轻轻地在波浪上颠簸。 接着,美女何贤姑和白鼻子男人曹国九站在沙滩上。何仙姑把她神奇的莲花扔到水上,看着它膨胀。然后她踏上花朵,穿过大海。曹国九扔下了他的玉碑。他跳上船,向大海冲浪。 五仙红脸胖胖的。他的名字叫韩忠利。他手里总是拿着一把扇子。他把它扔到水里,做成了一只筏子。那就轮到兰才和了。他放下钹。他横渡海浪时唱着水手的歌。 下一位神仙是张国老。他喜欢开玩笑,抚摸着他的白胡子笑。他拿出一只藏在长袍里的小纸驴。它变成了一头真正的驴子!他骑在驴子背上,钻进水里。 最后是铁拐里,八仙的首领。他看起来不像是个不朽的人。他有一具虚弱的老乞丐的身体。他把铁拐杖扔进波涛中。拐杖一碰到水,就变成了一条龙!龙背着铁拐里,在波浪上飞过。 朋友们的笑声和歌声在波浪间流动。从水下,龙王和他的虾兵听到了骚动声。他们浮出水面观看神仙游行,为八仙的独特风格喝彩。“佳友!”



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