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Literature in English-Speaking Nations
Australia, Canada, South Africa, Jamaica 등 영연방국가는 물론 India를 포함한 영어권 사용국가의 작품을 다룬다. 소설, 시, 드라마를 포함한 영어문학을 다루는데 주로 탈 식민지적 시각에서 조명한다.
Reading of literary works in English speaking nations such as Australia, Canada, Ireland, South Africa, Jamaica, India etc. The works are reviewed from postcolonial viewpoints.
English Literature and Drama
Centering on drama, which is one of the important fields in British and American literature, the course intends to understand drama as a performance art. It reviews Greek drama and myths, and major drama works which become genealogy of the dram history. Students can experience a three-dimensional feature of drama as a performance art through use of multimedia materials.
British Fiction to 1900
영국소설의 시작인 18세기의 중요작가 Defoe, Swift, Fielding, Richardson 등의 대표작에서부터 19세기의 Austen, Eliot, Dickens, Hardy, Bronte의 소설들을 다각적으로 분석한다. 근대영국소설의 배경을 사회적, 문화적, 철학적, 심리학적인 견지에서 고찰하면서 중요한 작품을 집중적으로 연구한다.
This course aims to analyze the novels from many perspectives, starting from the eighteenth-century pioneering writers, Defoe, Swift, Fielding, Richardson to nineteenth-century writers Austen, Eliot, Dickens, Hardy, Bronte. We study intensively study major works by examining the background of British fictions to 1900 in terms of social, cultural, philosophical, psychological views.
Literature in Cinema
The concern of this course is to research of the mutual similarity between the language image of literary and the screen image of cinema using as the class course texts, and understand the historical transformation of literature and cinema, seeking to find their values and meanings in Cultural Studies.
English Grammar for Speaking
The purpose of this course is to teach English Grammar based on speaking so that students can improve their grammar skill as well as speaking skill.
Introduction to English Language and Literature
Anglo Saxon기의 서사시 Beowolf에서 출발, 중세기의 Romance, Elizabeth조의 르네상스, Shakespeare를 비롯한 극문학 및 17세기에서 19세기까지의 문학사적 개관을 다룸으로써 영문학을 처음 접하는 학생들의 이해를 돕는다.
This course covers following masterpieces in the early part of English literature: Beowulf, an epic poem in Old English; romance, mediaeval religious lyric; mediaeval morality plays like Every man; Renaissance sonnets; Shakespeare’s plays; Metaphysical poems; Milton’s poems; Dryden’s works in the restoration period; Pope’s and Dr. Johnson’s writings; and finally some 18th-century novels.
Global English Composition
Students learn basic English sentence patterns and how to use composition tools such as reasons, examples, chronology, and comparison as well as essay forms. This course also helps students use words and idioms effectively in writing.
The World of English Language and Culture
This course aims to initiate students to the world of English language and culture by experiencing both written and electronic reading materials , and to bring up a prime mover of the global culture.
Psychoanalysis and Literatures in English
English Conversation Practice
Native Speaker를 통해 그들이 사용하는 일상회화에 익숙해지고 연습을 반복함으로써 간결하고도 정확한 표현을 익혀 국내는 물론 해외에서 생활의 불편이 없도록 기초를 닦고 외국인과 보다 활발한 접촉이 가능해지도록 한다. 어느 정도 습득한 영어회화를 그 목적과 소용에 따라 다소 level-up하고, 내용을 다양성 있게 하여 일상회화 뿐만 아니라 간단한 회의나 의견을 개진할 수 있을 정도로 이끌어 나가며 아울러 전공분야나 특수 분야에도 관심을 두어 보다 포괄적인 범위의 회화능력을 가진다.
Students of this class learn to speak on a variety of topics in English. Through reading selections from the textbook, they acquire the use of advanced-intermediate vocabularies in context. The accompanying tape also provides practice in listening to native speakers with a variety of American accents and a RP British accent.
21세기 미국문학
The Twenty First Century American Literature
이 강좌는 21세기에 출판된 미국문학작품(소설 및 영화)를 주요교재로 선택하여 현재 미국인들의 삶과 문화의 양태를 탐구하는 것을 목표로 한다.
This class aims to study contemporary American life and culture through American novels and films released in the twenty first century.
British/American Literature and Mythology
This class aims to enlarge and deepen the understanding of British/American literary works through the study of Greek and Roman mythology.
Contemporary English Readings
This class aims to improve students’s reading comprehension capacity in English via remarkable cultural and literary works published in the 21st English speaking countries.
American Literature and Critical Writings
이 강좌의 목적은 17세기부터 현재에 이르는 미국문학 중에서 학생들의 비평적 안목과 논리발달에 적합한 내용을 담은 단편소설 장편소설, 각종 문헌, 영화 등을 읽고 텍스트에 대한 학생들의 논리적인 사고를 글로 표현하는 연습을 집중적으로 훈련하는 것이다.
This course aims to practice students’ critical writing based on materials presented in American literature from the 17th century up to now. The materials include historical documents, films, short stories and novels.
English Exercise through Drama
기존의 독해능력과 문학성 배양에 중점을 둔 희곡수업에서 벗어나 연극공연을 녹화한 video-text를 이용하여 수강생들이 눈과 귀를 동시에 활용하여 텍스트적 의미와 연극적 의미를 동시에 파악하도록 한다. 수업 중 소통 언어는 주로 영어로 하며 멀티미디어 교육환경효과를 배가시킨다.
Escaping from the traditional teaching style (focused on reading and literary talent), this course uses video texts which have recorded actual drama performance, which will help students understand meaning of drama. This class is carried out mainly in English and multimedia is utilized.
Modern American Novel
By reading the selections of major American novels, the course analyzes and compares the themes and styles in the works, and examines the general character and modernity in the contemporary American novels.
Texts and Criticism
문학비평용어에서 작품(Work)이 텍스트로 이동하는 문학 이론적 흐름을 살펴보고, 실제 문학텍스트들이 다양한 관점에 따라 어떻게 달리 읽혀질 수 있는가를 이론의 강독과 번역 실습을 통하여 습득하고자 한다.
It examines theoretical flow of literature that we find in the texts of literary criticism. It provides research on how differently the actual literary texts can be read according to various viewpoints, and it also practices translations.
British and American Cultural Studies
영미문학 연구에서 문화연구(Cultural Studies)내지는 문화학(Culturology)이 등장하게 된 역사적 배경과 그 위치를 살펴보고, 전통적인 문학과 여타 문화매체들과의 관계, 그리고 다양한 문화 이론들의 유사성과 차이점들을 조명한다.
A survey of the literary theories since Plato, Aristotle’s poetics, Plato’s ‘Ion’ through Wordsworth, Arnold and modern critical theory including Structuralism and Deconstruction.
Feminism and English Literature
중세와 르네상스시대의 영국사회 전반에 드러나 있는 여성에 대한 왜곡된 시각을 당시의 문학작품을 통하여 파악하는 동시에 영문학에 면면이 흐르고 있는 반여성주의 전통을 오늘날 우리의 입장에서 19, 20C의 페미니즘 문학과 비교하여 비판적으로 고찰한다.
Through literary works, it aims at understanding biased views of females shown in England in English literature. It also critically examines the anti-feminism tradition in the English literature, comparing with feminist literature in the 19th and 20th century.
American Culture and Film
This class deals with American culture in general both in written and visual texts. In more detail, it tries to make a definition of American culture, seeking to find its multi-cultural examples, and finally comparing it with other cultures.
Victorian Literature and Culture
빅토리아 시대 영문학과 문화- 낭만주의와 20세기를 잇는 빅토리아 시대는 현대 문학의 뿌리가 되는 중요한 시대이다. 테니슨, 브라우닝과 같은 주요 시인들의 작품과, 문화에 대한 논의를 시작한 아놀드를 비롯한 주요 작가들의 산문, 예술지상주의나 데카당스, 라파엘로전파와 인상주의 미술 등을 감상한다.
Victorian age is a significant period which bridges Romanticism and modern literature. This course deals with major poems of Tennyson and Browning, proses of Arnold and Mill, Art for art’s sake, Decadence, Pre-Raphaelitism, and Impressionism.
English Briefing on Korean Cultural Products
This course aims to improve the students’ presentation skills in English. The students are encouraged to make a skillful briefing of Korean cultural artifacts or some current issues at class which is conducted in English. The lecture will focus on pronunciation, data collection, composition and delivery skills.
Modern British Novel
Conrad, Lawrence, Joyce, Woolf 등의 모더니즘 주요작가들의 대표작과, 1930년대 이후의 Golding, Murdoch, Fowles과, 최근의 Winterson에 이르기까지 영국소설을 정독한다. 현대영국소설의 특징을 개관하고 다양한 현대비평이론들을 접목시켜 소설에 대한 비평적인 해석능력을 향상시킨다.
The purpose of this course is to read the representative modern fictions from Conrad, Lawrence, Joyce, Woolf as Modernists, to Golding, Murdoch, Fowles, and recently Winterson. We consider the characteristics of modern British fictions and try to improve critical abilities by applying various modern critical theories to the fictions.
Global English Cultures and Listening
The Purpose of this course is to study the global cultures and their varieties through the understanding of the global english cultures and the listening of their cultural texts, seeking to understand the English cultures in Australia, Newzealand, South Africa, India and so on.
Transnational Modern Contemporary Poetries in English and World Literature
19세기 미국시를 형성한 Poe, Whitman, Dickenson과 같은 시인들과 20세기 영미모더니즘 시인들인 W. B. Yeats, T. S. Eliot 그리고 30년대의 Auden 그룹과 40년대의 Dylan Thomas 시와 시인들의 유사성과 개별성을 공유한다.
Postmodernism and Digital Humanities
Practicing English through Romantic Poetry
영국 낭만주의는 서양의 문화를 이해하는데 매우 중요한 부분을 차지하고 있다. 그리고 영어교육이론에서 영시를 읽는 것은 영어독해, 영어말하기, critical thinking에 도움을 준다고 잘 알려져 있다. 본 강좌는 이 두 가지를 목표로 한다.
The purpose of this course is two fold: to understand British Romanticism by reading Romantic poems and, to improve English reading, speaking skills and critical thinking through Romantic poems.
Shakespeare and Digital Humanities
This class aims to study not only Shakespeare’s literary perspectives but also the digitalized tendency of Shakespeare-related humanities through digitalized Shakespeare’s works.
Future Humans
이 강좌는 영미문학 작품에서 4차 산업시대에 도래할 새로운 인간형을 탐구하는 수업이다. 21세기의 인간은 급격한 과학의 발전으로 그 이전 시대와는 다른 새로운 형태의 버전으로 진화할 것으로 예상되는 바, 그 미래의 인간상을 영미시, 소설, 드라마에서 찾아보는 것이다.
This class aims to study in British/American literary works what kinds of new human beings will appear at the 4th Industrial Age. The humans in the 21st century are expected to be different from those who have lived before because of rapid scientific developments and speedy evolutionary transitions. The class will try to figure out those future humans in British/American poetry, novels, and dramas.
Presentation in English
Presentation in English
This class aims to develop the skills and techniques of presentation in English highly demanded at companies. By practicing various types of cultural discourses in English speaking countries, students can learn and increase not only their capacity to present in English but also the skills to work together and get faster adjusted to new environments.
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