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What Makes Hero

What makes a people a hero?

What Makes Hero

Some might say that super powers are the deciding factor in being a hero. Because in Marvel movies, all heroes have super powers. Thor, Scarlet Witch, and so many others. They save the earth and even the universe again and again. But this is actually putting the cart before the horse. super powers make these responsible super heroes more powerful, but it is not a decisive factor in being heroes. why? Because the big villains in Marvel movies, Ronan, Thanos also have huge super powers, but it is clear that we will not consider them to be heroes.

Others may say that great leadership can be a determining factor for heroes. In Biblical times, Moses could lead the ancient Hebrews to flee ancient Egypt, ending the fate of slavery. In the 19th century, Gandhi led the Indian National Liberation Movement and ended British colonial rule in India. Only with outstanding leadership could Moses and Gandhi become heroes. This is also wrong. Excellent leadership makes these responsible heroes stronger, but it is not a decisive factor for becoming a hero. why? Because we all know that Hitler can organize the Nazi army to sweep Europe, he obviously has outstanding leadership skills, but we will not consider Hitler to be a hero.

Others will say that extraordinary wisdom is the decisive factor in becoming a hero, but many high IQ crimes have also brought troubles to people again and again. We will not consider those guys to beheroes. Therefore, this is also wrong.

Only the sense of responsibility is the decisive factor in making people a hero. Based on responsible for humans, the Black Widow is willing to give up life in exchange for the soul stone; based on responsible for the nation, Moses overcomes difficulties to complete the Exodus; based on responsible for society, firefighters can come forward when facing a fire. Bravely take their obligations, that makes these people heroes.

Do you want to be a hero? Maybe you start with responsible for your own family and society.



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