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“If only…” These two words one of the in the . Here are ten that lead to this of , and how to elude them:“要是……就好了”这绝对是最悲催的一个句型。下面是你绝对会后悔的10个选择,来看看该如何避免它们:

1. a mask to . 为了取悦他人戴着面具生活。

If the face you show the world is a mask, there will be it. when you spend too much time on else’s of you, or who else wants you to be, you who you are. So don’t fear the of ; you know in your heart who you are and what’s true to you. You don’t have to be to and . Let them be and by how you deal with your .如果你总是戴着面具面对世界,总有一天面具下会是一个空壳。因为当你花了太多时间专注于他人对你的看法,或者其他人希望你成为怎样的人,你最终会忘记你到底是谁。所以不要害怕他人的评判,你的心里很清楚你是谁,哪些才是你真实的一面。你没有必要为了取悦他人而追求完美。用你克服不完美的方式来打动别人。

2. else your for you. 让别人来打造你的梦想。

The in life is who you are; the is being happy with what you find. A big part of this is your to stay true to your own goals and . Do you have who with you? Good. It means you’re your and your own path. you’ll do crazy by , but when you catch track of time, that’s when you’ll know you’re doing the right thing.人生最大的挑战在于发现你是谁;而第二大的挑战就是乐于接受你所发现的东西。很重要的一点在于你做出的决定能忠实于自己的目标和梦想。你周围是否有些人不同意你的决定呢?很好。这意味着你正坚定立场,走自己的路。有时你所做的事情在别人看来很疯狂,但当你兴奋地投入其中甚至忘记了时间,那时你就会知道,你正在做一件对的事。

3. . 和负面情绪的人为伴。

Don’t let who has a bad give it to you. Don’t let them get to you. They can’t pull the if you don’t hand them the gun. When you that the of is a , of an , you free to keep the of of anger, of greed, and of .别让那些态度消极的人左右你,别让他们接近你。如果你不给他们机会,他们就无法对你带来影响。你要记住,和这些负面情绪的人为伴并不是一种义务,只是在于你的选择。这样你就会和亲近那些有同情心的人,远离那些愤怒的人;亲近那些宽容的人,远离那些贪婪的人;亲近那些有耐心的人,远离那些焦躁的人。

4. Being and . 自私任性。

A life with deeds and good is the best . Those who you and your love with will how you made them feel long after your time has . So carve your name on , not stone. What you have done for alone dies with you; what you have done for and the world .充满善行和美好品质的一生是一个人最好的墓碑。那些你所激励过而且与他们分享了你的爱的人,即使你已经离开这个世界很久,也会记得你所给予他们的。把你的名字刻在他们心中,而不是石头上。你为自己做的事情会随着你的离世一起消亡;而你为他人和这个世界做的事情会长存。

5. and .拒绝改变和成长。

If you want to know your past look into your . If you want to know your look into your . You must let go of the old to make way for the new; the old way is gone, never to come back. If you this right now and take steps to it, you will for .如果你想了解自己的过去,就看看你目前的状况。如果你想了解你的未来,就看看你目前的行动。你应该放下过去,为新的生活努力;过去已经过去,永远不可能再回来。如果你现在能正确意识到这一点,并且为之而努力,你一定会获得长久的成功。

6. up when the going gets tough.遇到困难轻言放弃。

There are no , just . Even if don’t the way you had , don’t be or give up. Learn what you can and move on. The one who to one step at a time will win in the end. the is won far away and long the final . It’s a that with small steps, , and that build upon each other and lead to that of .并没有失败,只有失败的结果。即使事情并不如你所愿,也不要灰心或者放弃。总结教训,继续前进。那些一步一个脚印继续前进的人也会赢得最终的胜利。因为早在最终的胜利到来之前,他们的态度就已经赢下了这场战役。在这个过程中,那些小的进步、决定和行动都会逐渐累积,最终为他们带来胜利的光荣时刻。

7. to every thing. 过于紧张每一件小事。

Life be , not . you’ve got to relax and let life worry and . Learn to let go a you too tight. Take a deep . When the dust and you can once again see the for the trees, take the next step . You don’t have to know where you’re going to be great. in life is in order you it yet or not. It just takes some time to all the dots.生活需要触碰,而不是紧握。有时候你需要放松,让生活顺其自然,不要过分担心,也不要过于细致的规划。学会放松一点,不要握得太紧。深呼吸。尘埃落定时你会再次看见森林中的树木,再卖出前进的下一步。你没有必要明确知道你会去往哪个好地方。生活中的一切都有完美的顺序,不论你现在是否理解。只是需要一些时间把每一站联系起来。

8. for less than you . 太容易满足。

Be to let go and wise to wait for what you . you have to get down lower than you have ever been to stand up than you ever were . your eyes need to be by your tears so you can see the in front of you with a again. Don’t .你需要足够坚强才能放下过去。你需要足够智慧才能争取到你所应得的东西。有时你不得不退一两步,才能达到比以往更高的高度。有时你的双眼只有经过泪水的洗礼,才能更清楚地看见前方的各种可能。不要满足于现状。

9. until . 无止境的拖延。

The is, you think you have more time than you do. But one day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to work on the you’ve to do. And at that point you will have the goals you set for , or you will have a list of for why you haven’t.问题在于,你的时间永远没有你想象中那么多。有一天当你醒来时会发现,你再没有时间去做那些你一直想做的事情了。那时你要么已经实现了自己的目标,要么为你没有实现的目标找一大堆理由。

10. Being lazy and wishy-washy.懒惰无力。

The world doesn’t owe you , you owe the world . So stop and start DOING. a , not a . Take full for your life – take . You are and you are . It’s too late to sit and wait for to do . is now; the the world needs is YOU.这个世界并不欠你什么,而你却欠这个世界的。所以别在做白日梦,开始行动吧。挺起背来,别趴下。对你的人生负责,掌控一切。你是如此重要如此被需要。如果坐在那里等着某一天某个人来为你做点什么,那就太晚了。某一天就是现在;这个世界需要的某个人就是你自己。



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